Video stuck on processing?

If your video gets stuck during processing, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

1. Check for Sound in Your Video

  • Videos without any sound won’t process because the system needs an audio file to analyze content and create a transcript.
  • Ensure your video has some audio, such as background music or spoken words.

2. Add Sound If Necessary

  • If your video has no sound, add background music or a short audio clip before uploading.

3. Manually Enter a Description (Temporary Solution)

  • If your video has sound but still gets stuck, go to the Transcript Area and type a description of your video.
  • This helps the system process your content correctly.

4. Refresh the Fields

  • After entering text into the transcript area, go to the Publish or Promote tab.
  • Click the Refresh buttons to update the fields based on the transcript.

Future Update (Coming Soon)

  • A future version will allow users to manually enter text if their video has no sound, removing the need for an audio track.

Contact Support if Needed

  • If you still experience issues, reach out to customer support for assistance.

By following these steps, you can ensure your video processes correctly and avoid delays.

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